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Outdoor Friendly

Outdoor Friendly

Long Activity

Long Activity

Physically Stimulating

Physically Stimulating

Day Trip

Most #OLDMATE activities are designed to be relatively short, as we understand that time can sometimes be limited. This activity, however, is a notable exception and requires you to put aside at least a few good hours to spend some quality time with your Old Mate.

Getting out of your regular environment is a great way for both you and your Old Mate to clear your heads, reset, and gain some perspective.

The details of this activity are completely going to depend on your location, budget, interests and physical capabilities, but we encourage you to get out of town and think about what you'd like to 'experience' with your Old Mate. Of course, talk about this with your Old Mate as they likely have a laundry list of places they'd like to go and things they want to see.


· Google Day trips in my local area.

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